console table

英 [kənˈsəʊl ˈteɪbl] 美 [kənˈsoʊl ˈteɪbl]

网络  条几; 有一张老柜桌; 螺形托脚小桌; 玄关桌; 桌案


  1. The Monitor Console also provides options to map to a custom table, filter rows and columns, and define advanced table mappings.
  2. You will see deliverEvent and sendEvent messages printed in the console as the JDBC adapter polls the event table and sees new entries.
  3. You will see console messages confirming that the Derby database table is created.
  4. Scarlett caught up her wide straw bonnet from the console table and jammed it on her head.
  5. It ranges from the simple pine chest or country chair to the elaborate marquetry-work cabinet or gilded console table.
  6. The Power Distribution Unit distributes power to the various console and table units.
  7. Based on the trait of design with a man-of-war communication console, the paper discusses the method of modular design, and accomplishes the fleet modular design of the man-of-war communication console by Pro/ Engineer Family Table.
  8. The test-bed is constituted of three parts: operating console, electrical cabinets, motor mounting table. The test-bed can accomplish automatic control of motor test condition, and automatic acquisition and processing of motor parameter data.



  1. a small table fixed to a wall or designed to stand against a wall

      Synonym:    console